Drew Barrymore before and after plastic surgery and breast reduction?

And like with many prominent actresses in show business, as they age, its simply a matter of time before rumors of plastic surgery begin to swirl around the ol' rumor mill.
In fact i stumbled across numerous gossip blogs that suggested Ms. Barrymore had undergone both brow lift and eye lift procedures, along with suspicion of having breast and chin reduction surgery, for the better part of the last half decade.

Heidi Montag before and after plastic surgery
Drew Barrymore has voiced her opinion regarding plastic surgery throughout the years, on more than one occasion, with such quotes as...

And more recently the actress told Elle magazine...
"I don't want to be vain or fearful, and I don't think I'll do anything, but if I want to do something, I will. From my perspective, there's no reason to be afraid of aging, because if you age, you're lucky! The alternative is death."
Joan Rivers before and after plastic surgery
It seems like Drew left a slight window of possibility open for future plastic surgery, however up to this point in her life, the darling actress looks to be 100% natural. But do you think Drew Barrymore will ever go under the knife and join the ranks of fellow celebrity plastic surgery specimens?