Brooke Shields before and after plastic surgery, nose job?

The actress seems to be aging quite nicely while in her mid forties, but then again most people look rather dazzling while donning a boutique worth of makeup, or perhaps Ms. Shields has also had some help from plastic surgery?
While the idea of plastic surgery is kinda a toss up at this point, other gossip blogs have suggested that Ms. Shields has already surgically altered her face, after undergoing a nose job, cheek and chin implants.
And from the looks of the before and after picture, the nose job procedure seems to be the only rumored operation that holds any water, as the bridge and tip of her nose does in fact appear slightly trimmed down.

Scarlett Johansson before and after nose job surgery
"I tried Botox in my forehead, I got so claustrophobic. I would get claustrophobia if I had breast implants. I'd be like, "Get them out, get them out." My husband's very upset about that though. "It's a very foreign, man-made object in your body... I'm also attached to my face. It's been around in the public eye for so long."
She was later quoted as saying...
"I don't know how I'm going to feel in 10 years you know, when my face is down by my knees. I mean you know, who knows? I'll just be wearing a lot of ponytails."
And recently in an interview with Ladies' Home Journal...
"I want laser treatment because I'm not a fan of my wrinkles, but I have to find someone with a light touch. I’m scared I'll end up looking like the Joker."

Dolly Parton before and after plastic surgery
What do you think about Brooke Shields' rumored plastic surgery procedures, such as cheek and chin implants, plus the nose job? Are those claims nothing more than hot humid air?