Nicko McBrain has a pair of Asian themed tattoos, one on each arm. The designs appear to be a dragon and samurai warrior.

I think there is an extreme pressure on women and men to just stay young and unfortunately men and women don't see it to grow old gracefully.Luckily there seems to be a recent trend of nutrition sweeping through the world of show business, as more and more celebrities are seeking an alternative to undergoing the knife.
A lot of women go too far and end up looking a hell of a lot older than they actually are and it sort of has a reverse effect. So talk to me in 10 years.Roger that Jennifer, we'll talk to you in another 10 years, while you're still looking fabulous as ever, you health junkie. Keep up the good work!
I'm not as happy as I used to be, but I'm trying to accept myself for who I am, not just behind two big breast implants.However Ms. Hershey later told The Sun that she wanted to reclaim her identity...
I feel so ugly without my breasts. Without them, I don't know who I am ... once I reclaim my identity as the World's Biggest Boobs, I can be a better role model for my daughter.Bigger breasts may not seem like the logical step to becoming a better role model to me and you, but clearly Sheyla Hershey isn't playing with a full deck of cards, needless to say she needs some serious counseling and enlightenment in her life.
L.A. is crazy, the women all look the same now. That thing with the cheeks, like Madonna. Who do they think they're fooling? It doesn't make them look young. You end up looking like a freak.Strong words indeed, coming from the naturally blessed Colombian-born bombshell, but its vital messages like this, that can bring attention to a disturbingly common trend which is literally changing the face of show business, as we once knew it...
A woman should never have it to look younger. To fix little things here and there, maybe. To look a little fresher, okay. But you're always going to look your age.
Betty White. I love that she is so relevant and still taking risks at 89. I want to be her when I grow up.Its refreshing to hear more and more celebrities oppose the current hollywood status quo, taking a stand to natural and unsliced. Now if only we could amplify this message to the masses...
No. I'm scared of needles. I can’t even! I'm scared of anesthesia because I'm scared, like, you know those stories where they feel everything when they're under? I feel like that would happen to me. So I'm not even gonna take that chance.But don't touch that dial, because Snooki seems to be wavering a little on her past statement, while chatting with FOX Pop Tarts.
This is who I am and this is who I always will be. Now, no girl is going to say no to a little pampering here and there, I like the girly side in me. I am sure I will go through some changes, but nothing too intense. This is me.And when asked her about Heidi Montag's notoriously extensive plastic surgery...
She looks like an alien! I wouldn't get plastic surgery right now... I don't really need anything. If anything, I would get a boob lift because my boobs are real.And finally, Snooki had a few parting words about Hollywood starlet Megan Fox as well.
The plastic surgery is what has made her so hot!So what have we learned from all this Snooki gibber jabber? Well apparently shes afraid of anesthesia and needles, however at some point in the future she may or may not get a breast lift...Oh, and something about pampers.
I'm not freaked out about getting older, I'm Embracing a More Natural Look. For the first time, I feel like what you see is what you get.As you may recall at the beginning of 2010, Victoria Beckham went under the knife to have her notoriously artificial looking breast implants removed. Which may have proven to be a positive turning point in her life, as it seems she has now come to terms with her natural physique.
This is me, the more natural hair, the slightly more relaxed way of dressing. I feel really content personally and professionally.
I'm not one of those people who can't eat carbs. I eat a lot. I do. I run four miles a day on the treadmill. I know that works for me, so I've kind of trained myself. I do lift weights.
I don't believe there is anybody who knows how I will look better, other than myself.Cheers to you Victoria, its nice to hear positive rebound story like this, where a person discovers the fountain of youth lies within proper nutrition and an active lifestyle, and not at the tip of a surgeons scalpel or syringe.
No way (will I have surgery). Actually, I asked my mother the very same question and she said, "It's taken me 58 years for me to look like this. You think I'm going to ruin it now?" She looks great, so I hope I will look the same.Of course we'll take Gisele at her word, but it would be nice if should would elaborate on any past procedure she may have undergone, like a nose job, maybe...